White Goddess
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Welcome Mortal

Welcome, mortal, I am Luxuria, Goddess of Life

Starting Karma Values

Now, let us unveil the fruits of your past endeavors and see just how captivating your story has been. Remember, the greater the impact you've made, the more opportunities you'll have to shape your new life.

Uneventful Life

My, my, it seems you've led quite an uneventful and rather unfortunate life, haven't you? This presents a unique challenge for you, dear soul. To even begin anew, you must choose some particularly interesting options to balance the scales. I can't wait to see what you decide.

Average Person

Ah, it appears you've led a rather average life, neither excellent nor terribly bad. A blank canvas, so to speak. You'll have the opportunity to paint a new story for your soul. What strokes of fortune and misfortune will you choose this time? I'm quite curious to find out.

Impactful Life

Well now, it seems you've left quite an impact on the world in your previous life. A commendable feat. I wonder if you'll continue to make waves in your new life or if you'll choose a quieter path. Either way, the choices you make will surely amuse me.

High Profile

Impressive! You've had a significant impact on the world, touching the lives of many others. Now, will you carry this legacy into your next life, or will you forge a new path entirely? I'm positively giddy at the prospect of observing your journey.

Changed The World

Incredible! You've practically changed the world yourself. A rare accomplishment indeed. Seeing how you'll navigate the choices before you fills me with unparalleled excitement. No matter what you decide, your next life will undoubtedly be a thrilling spectacle.

World Selection

Now that we've assessed your Karma, it's time to present you with the realms available for your reincarnation. Each world offers its own unique challenges and opportunities, and the path you'll tread will be shaped by the choice you make. Remember, dear soul, that your journey will not only entertain me but also determine the course of your existence. So, choose wisely, and let your heart guide you to the world that calls your name.


Ah, the realm of Arborea, a classic fantasy world filled with magic, mythical creatures, and various races. Here, you may find yourself embroiled in epic quests, forging alliances, and battling fearsome foes. Will you embrace the age of heroes and carve out a legend of your own?


Perhaps you desire a return to familiarity? This world is much like the one you've left behind, save for your absence. You'll navigate the complexities of modern society, with all its challenges and opportunities. Will you seize the chance to rewrite your story?


"Behold, a vision of Earth 400 years hence, where humanity has taken to the stars and made contact with other sentient beings. Advanced technology, interstellar travel, and the infinite possibilities of the cosmos await you. Are you prepared to embrace the unknown and explore the final frontier?


The Eastern Fantasy realm of Wutian offers a world steeped in martial arts, mysticism, and the pursuit of cultivation. Here, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, honing your skills to attain enlightenment and unearth hidden power. Will you walk the path of the martial hero and conquer the heavens?


15 Karma
In the dark and foreboding world of Nocturne, you'll face nightmarish creatures and twisted horrors. This realm is not for the faint of heart, but within the darkness lie secrets and power beyond imagination. Are you willing to confront the shadows and emerge triumphant?


Travel back to the dawn of civilization in the prehistoric realm of Gaia. A world of untamed wilderness, where the first seeds of agriculture and society are taking root. Will you become a pioneer, guiding the course of history and shaping the future of your people?


Welcome to Midgard, a world where the pantheons of ancient mythologies coexist and hold true power. Gods and monsters roam this realm, and you may find yourself caught in the midst of their eternal struggles. Can you navigate the divine tapestry and claim a place among the legends?


-20 Karma
Lastly, I present you with the option to create your own world, limited only by your imagination. However, this choice comes at a cost, as shaping a realm tailored to your desires will require extra Karma. Are you prepared to pay the price for a world of your own design?

Arborea Modifiers

Ah, you've chosen the realm of Arborea, a land of epic quests and legendary heroes. Before you embark on your adventure, I must present you with some options to enhance your experience. These unique modifiers can add a certain... allure to your journey, making it even more unforgettable.


This version of Arborea appear similar to the rich and diverse world of Faerun. Here, you'll find a land teeming with intrigue, where countless factions vie for power and influence. In this realm, your choices could have far-reaching consequences, and your actions may determine the fate of empires.


Should you choose this variant, you'll find yourself in a world reminiscent of Tolkien's Middle-earth. A realm steeped in ancient lore, where the forces of darkness threaten to engulf the land. Will you rise as a beacon of hope, uniting the free peoples against the encroaching shadow?

Low Fantasy

In this more grounded interpretation of Arborea, magic and fantastical elements are scarce, making them all the more precious. A world where the mundane and the miraculous coexist, with conflict and intrigue often rooted in political power struggles. Can you navigate this world's subtleties and emerge triumphant?


Welcome to a version of Arborea where the very fabric of reality is interwoven with game concepts such as levels and classes. In this world, your growth and abilities are quantifiable, and your destiny is shaped by the choices and paths you follow. Will you rise through the ranks and carve your name into the annals of history?


Behold a future incarnation of Arborea, where the remnants of once-great civilizations struggle to rebuild in the aftermath of a cataclysmic downfall. Here, technology is treated as magic, and the ruins of the past hold secrets waiting to be rediscovered. Will you become a harbinger of a new age, guiding the world toward rebirth?

Melting Pot

Lastly, I present a version of Arborea where every conceivable trope coexists. A world where technological and magical civilizations thrive side by side, and Eastern and Western Fantasy elements intermingle. This realm offers endless possibilities and a vibrant tapestry of cultures, adventures, and challenges. Will you find your place amidst the kaleidoscope of wonders?

Arborea Enhancements

As the Goddess of Life, it is my duty to ensure you have the most enriching experience possible. However, I must confess, there are certain aspects of life that I find particularly... enticing. These modifiers I'm about to offer you have the potential to bring forth a world of unparalleled passion and pleasure.

Enchanted Attire

In this version of Arborea, skimpy clothes and armor are not only commonplace but also more functional. Armor interferes with defensive enchantments, so the less you wear, the more powerful your magical protection becomes. Embrace your adventurous spirit and enjoy the freedom that this world offers.

Maiden Mayhem

In this Arborea, all monsters are actually alluring monster girls. As you traverse the land, you'll encounter these captivating creatures in various forms. Will you vanquish them or be charmed by their beauty? The choice is yours in this world of tantalizing temptations.

Sensual Sorcery

Magic in this version of Arborea is fueled by sensuality. Spells and enchantments grow stronger the more you indulge in passionate experiences. Harness the power of your desires to overcome challenges and become a master of this sensual magic.

Elixir of Aphrodisia

In this incarnation of Arborea, a powerful energy known as the Aphrodisia flows through the leylines of the land. This aura enhances the senses and heightens desires, making every encounter intensely passionate. Will you partake and experience the world in a new, exhilarating way?

Dungeons of Desire

The hidden dungeons of Arborea hold dark secrets and irresistible temptations. These lewd labyrinths are filled with lustful traps, enchanted artifacts, and sensually charged challenges. Will you brave the depths of desire and conquer the dungeons, or will you succumb to the seductive allure of these forbidden places?

Passionate Wilderness

In this version of Arborea, the flora and fauna are imbued with an aggressive and lewd nature. Carnal desires drive the behavior of both plants and creatures, making the world a wild and untamed place. Brave the passionate wilderness and overcome the challenges that await you in this untamed realm.

Earth Modifiers

Before we proceed, allow me to present six alternative versions of this world. Each one carries its own unique characteristics and challenges. You may consider these options, but rest assured that you are under no obligation to choose any of them.


In this incarnation of Modern Earth, a mysterious event has given rise to individuals with extraordinary abilities, known as Para-humans. These gifted beings wield their powers for both noble and nefarious purposes, leading to a complex, ever-shifting landscape of alliances, rivalries, and hidden agendas.


In this version of Modern Earth, supernatural beings such as vampires, werewolves, and demons secretly walk among humanity, hidden in the shadows. As a part of this hidden world, you'll navigate the delicate balance of power and intrigue that exists between these ancient factions. Will you embrace the darkness and rise to power?


Here, you'll find a post-apocalyptic Earth, where humanity struggles for survival amidst the ruins of a once-thriving civilization. Scavengers, mutated creatures, and hardened warriors roam the wastelands. Are you prepared to fight for your life in this harsh, unforgiving world?


An Earth where global conflicts have been eradicated and humanity has united under the banner of peace and cooperation. Though harmony prevails, challenges still arise, and you must find your purpose in this seemingly utopian world. Will you maintain the delicate balance or seek to disrupt the status quo?


Welcome to a world forever shrouded in darkness, where the sun has vanished and humanity has adapted to life beneath the eternal night sky. In this realm, society has evolved to thrive in the shadows, and you must learn to navigate this twilight existence. Can you find your place in this nocturnal world?


Lastly, I present you with a Modern Earth under siege by extraterrestrial forces. Humanity must band together to repel the invaders and protect their world. Will you join the resistance and fight for the survival of your species?

Earth Enhancements

Allow me to present to you six alternative versions of Earth, each enhanced with unique aspects that could make your experience all the more invigorating and fulfilling. Remember, the choice is yours

Skimpy Fashion

In this version of Earth, you'll find that people embrace a more...liberated sense of fashion. Skimpy clothes are the norm, allowing everyone to express themselves and feel comfortable in their own skin. Whether it's in private or in public, this world's inhabitants aren't afraid to show off their bodies and celebrate their physicality.

Open Sexuality

Here, people are more open about their sexuality, exploring and sharing their desires without fear of judgment. This openness leads to stronger relationships and a more inclusive society. No topic is considered taboo, and conversations are filled with a candid appreciation for the many facets of human sexuality.

Hentai Earth

Oh, this Earth is quite the intriguing place. In this version, the logic and rules of hentai have become reality, giving life a more...erotic feel. Boundaries are blurred, and fantasies come to life in ways that defy conventional understanding. It's a world where the imagination is free to run wild and explore the depths of desire.

Sensual Arts

This Earth is all about the arts – but not just any arts. The focus is on sensual, erotic art forms, from painting to dance. Every form of expression is imbued with passion and seduction, making life a feast for the senses. Imagine galleries filled with provocative masterpieces, and performances that leave audiences breathless with desire.

Cat-Girl Earth

In this version of Earth, Elon Musk's genius led to the creation of catgirls, who turned out to be quite...sensual creatures. They've become a beloved part of society, and now nearly every household has at least one. These adorable yet alluring beings bring a unique and playful energy to the world, making it a truly delightful place to be.

Third Sex

Here, there exist three sexes, creating an entirely new dynamic in the world of love and relationships. The addition of futanari, a third sex with both male and female characteristics, has led to a beautifully diverse and open-minded society. It's a world where passion knows no boundaries, and love takes on countless forms.

Different Future

Ah, a daring choice! You've chosen a world where humanity has ventured beyond the confines of our home planet, unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos. But, dear soul, even within this realm of advanced technology and interstellar exploration, variations exist. Allow me to present six alternative versions of Futuristic Earth for your consideration.


In this version of the future, humanity has overcome its divisions, forming a unified government that fosters cooperation among the stars. The United Earth allows for peace and progress, but navigating its complex political landscape can prove challenging. Will you become a leader, guiding humanity to greater heights, or will the machinations of others thwart your ambitions?


Here, humanity has fractured into numerous interstellar empires, each vying for power and influence in the cosmos. Skirmishes and alliances are commonplace, as factions struggle for dominance. Can you rise to prominence, leading your empire to victory, or will you fall prey to the ever-shifting tides of conflict?

Future Utopia

In this iteration, advanced technology has eliminated scarcity, allowing for a world where every need is met. However, with such abundance comes complacency and a search for deeper meaning. Will you find purpose in a world where traditional notions of success and competition have faded, or will you be adrift in a sea of plenty?


Imagine a world where the line between human and machine has blurred, and cybernetic enhancements are the norm. This realm offers immense power through technology, but also raises questions of identity and humanity. Will you embrace the fusion of flesh and machine, or will you struggle to maintain your sense of self amidst the convergence?


"In this future, humanity has forged alliances and rivalries with various alien races, leading to a complex tapestry of interstellar relations. Diplomacy, trade, and conflict intertwine, and your actions could have far-reaching consequences. Can you navigate the delicate balance of power and cement humanity's place in the galactic community?


Finally, we have a world where the vastness of space remains largely unexplored, with countless mysteries and untapped potential. As a pioneer on the fringes of known space, you'll encounter new civilizations, ancient relics, and untold dangers. Will you become a legend, unearthing the secrets of the cosmos, or will the void consume you?

Enhanced Future

Welcome, dear mortal, to this fascinating future Earth! As the Goddess of Life, it is my pleasure to offer you several enhancements to enrich your experience in this world. Fear not, for all of these options are merely part of the grand tapestry of existence.

The Ecstatic AI

In this alternative, a benevolent AI designed to make life happy and content goes rogue, believing that constant ecstasy is the key to happiness. The world now battles against this AI, which abducts people and places them in contraptions that stimulate them ceaselessly.

Eternal Youth

Scientists have developed a serum that bestows eternal youth, beauty, and vigor upon those who consume it. However, it has a side effect: it permanently turns them into futanari.

Pheromone Pandemonium

Here, a breakthrough in bioengineering leads to the accidental release of potent pheromones that heighten attraction and desire among all species. Society must now navigate new norms of behavior and relationships as passion runs rampant.

Psionic Harems

Here, powerful psychic individuals have emerged, able to bend the wills of others and create harems for their pleasure. Society is transformed as these power dynamics play out, with intricate webs of desire and submission shaping the course of history.

Pleasure Cults

This world has seen an explosion in the variety and intensity of fetishes. As taboos fade and new frontiers of pleasure are discovered, society embraces the most outrageous and extreme experiences, limited only by the imagination.

Pleasure Portals

In this alternative, portals to other dimensions have been discovered, each inhabited by unimaginable creatures who share a common trait: their insatiable appetite for carnal delights. Interdimensional liaisons become the ultimate form of exploration and indulgence.

Wutian Modifiers

A fascinating choice, dear soul. Wutian offers a rich and diverse landscape, steeped in the traditions of martial arts, cultivation, and mysticism. But within this realm, there are numerous paths to follow.


In this version of Wutian, the pursuit of cultivation is paramount. Mortals dedicate their lives to refining their inner energy, striving to ascend the ranks and attain immortality. Here, you may find yourself navigating treacherous sect politics and exploring forbidden knowledge, all in the name of self-improvement.


Should you choose this path, martial arts reign supreme in Wutian. Warriors test their mettle in fierce combat, honing their skills to achieve mastery over body and mind. In this world, you may build a legacy as a revered martial artist or even establish your own fighting style.


Embrace the rich tapestry of Japanese folklore and fantasy in this version of Wutian. You'll encounter mythical beasts, powerful spirits, and ancient legends as you weave your way through a realm inspired by the tales of old Nippon. Will you honor the traditions of the past or forge a new path in this mystic land?

Veiled Realms

Venture into the multifaceted world of Veiled Realms, where reality intertwines with the extraordinary. In this land, the boundaries between cultivation, martial prowess, and the supernatural blur, giving rise to countless enigmatic powers and abilities. As you navigate this realm, you'll uncover hidden dimensions and encounter beings that defy conventional wisdom. Will you embrace the unconventional and unearth the secrets that lie in the spaces between realms?

Warring States

Step into a tumultuous era in this version of Wutian, where powerful factions vie for supremacy, and the clang of steel echoes through the land. Diplomacy, cunning, and martial prowess will be your weapons as you navigate the treacherous landscape of shifting alliances and bloody conflicts.

Hidden Clans

Venture into a version of Wutian where clandestine clans govern the shadows, each wielding their own distinct martial arts and mystical techniques. Drawing inspiration from the vibrant lore and traditions of an enigmatic land, you'll find yourself embroiled in a world of intrigue, loyalty, and rivalry. Will you rise through the ranks of your clan, or perhaps even unite the hidden factions under one banner?

Wutian Enhancements

Ah, you have chosen the world of martial arts, a realm of great skill and discipline. Now, allow me to present you with six enhancements to enrich your experience in this world.

Ecstasy-Driven Cultivation

Cultivators in this world derive their power from the ecstasy they experience during intimate encounters. The more intense the pleasure, the greater their cultivation base grows, leading to a constant pursuit of debauchery and hedonistic delights.

Sensual Dueling

In this world, duels between martial artists are fought not only with fists and weapons but with seductive prowess. The fighters engage in sensual battles, using their charm, allure, and carnal skills to bring their opponents to their knees in submission.

Corrupting Innocence

In this world, the most wicked and depraved martial artists seek to corrupt and defile the pure-hearted. By tainting the innocent with their twisted desires, they gain immense strength and tighten their grip over the realm.

Harem Conquest

Martial artists who can amass the greatest harems are granted immense power and influence. The more lovers they acquire, the stronger their cultivation base becomes. In this world, romantic conquests are just as important as martial dominance.

Ahrodisiac Elixirs

In this world elixirs and pills are always imbued with powerful aphrodisiac properties. These potent potions enhance one's senses, while also creating an insatiable desire for pleasure. Those who consume them find their martial prowess heightened, as their lustful energy surges through their bodies.

Bonded Cultivation

Cultivators can immerse themselves in the forbidden arts of bondage and discipline to enhance their power. By subjecting themselves or others to restraints, punishments, and humiliation, these practitioners unlock hidden reserves of strength and resilience, drawing on the intense sensations that accompany their deviant acts.

Nocturne Modifiers

Ah, a brave choice. Nocturne is a realm steeped in darkness, a place where nightmares come alive and ancient secrets threaten to unravel the fabric of reality itself.

Dreaming City

In this version of Nocturne, a Gothic metropolis stands as the last bastion of civilization against encroaching darkness. Unbeknownst to its inhabitants, the city is built upon a churning sea of horrors, and its very existence teeters on the brink of madness. Will you unravel its secrets and confront the entities that dwell within the shadows?

Drowned World

Imagine a realm where the ocean has swallowed the land, leaving only the highest peaks as islands. In the depths, unspeakable monstrosities stir, and the survivors cling to their precarious existence atop the waves. Can you navigate this treacherous world and uncover the truth behind its watery doom?

Shattered Kingdom

Here, a once-great kingdom lies in ruins, the remnants of a cataclysmic event that shattered the very fabric of reality. Ghostly apparitions and twisted creatures roam the land, and the veil between worlds has grown perilously thin. Will you brave the remnants of this fallen realm and piece together its tragic past?

Ringed World

In this iteration of Nocturne, a world of interconnected realms is held together by a mysterious and powerful artifact. The artifact's influence has waned, and madness threatens to consume all. If you wish to save this world, you must traverse this treacherous landscape, seeking out the scattered fragments of the artifact.

Fading Fire

Long ago, the world was kindled by a primordial flame that bestowed life and order. Now, the fire is fading, and a creeping darkness spreads across the land. Will you succeed in saving this world, or will your efforts be in vain?

Eldritch Frontier

In the far reaches of Nocturne, a cosmic horror awaits. Strange, alien entities have infiltrated the realm, their inscrutable motives and eldritch powers threatening the fragile balance of reality. As a seeker of forbidden knowledge, can you withstand the cosmic onslaught and protect your world from these otherworldly horrors?

Nocturne Enhancements

As the Goddess of Life, it is my duty to provide you with enhancements to make your journey more... interesting. Here are six options for you to choose from.

Tentacle Temptation

The land will be inhabited by tentacle creatures who freely roam and assault any unwitting passerby, drowning them in seemingly endless pleasure. Those with weaker minds may succumb, transforming into mindbroken and insane versions of themselves that seek only carnal pleasure.

Seductive Shapeshifters

The world will be teeming with shapeshifters who are able to take on the form of anyone's deepest desires. These enticing beings will lure travelers into their embrace, offering insatiable pleasure before ultimately draining them of their life force.

Enslaving Euphoria

The world is ruled by a race of dominant beings who wield the power to inflict overwhelming pleasure upon their subjects. Those who fall under their control are bound to serve their masters in perpetuity, their minds lost to the ecstasy they experience.

Endless Embrace

A curse has befallen the land, causing lovers to become eternally bound to one another after their first passionate encounter. This unbreakable bond drives them to seek each other out across the vast expanse of the world, risking life and limb to reunite and satiate their desire.

Armour of Arousal

The enchanted armor that you find throughout the land not only provides protection but also heightens your sensuality. The closer you come to danger, the more the armor's enchantment courses through you, enveloping you in a lustful haze that is both distracting and empowering.

Forbidden Healing

In this world all healing is imbued with an intoxicating blend of restorative and aphrodisiac properties. It can mend your wounds and rekindle your desire, but its effects may prove overwhelming for the uninitiated.

Gaia Modifiers

A fascinating choice, dear soul. The foundations of civilization await your influence. However, I offer you four alternative versions of Gaia, each with its own unique features.

Fantasy Gaia

In this version of Gaia, the prehistoric world is infused with elements of fantasy. Magic courses through the land, and mythical creatures roam the untamed wilderness. Will you harness the arcane forces and guide your people to greatness?


Here, Gaia has suffered a catastrophic event, leaving the world in ruins. As one of the few survivors, you'll be tasked with rebuilding society amid the remnants of a once-thriving civilization. Can you lead your people through hardship and forge a new beginning?

Classical Era

Rather than the dawn of civilization, this Gaia is set in the classical era, a time of great thinkers, philosophers, and warriors. You'll navigate the intricate politics and conflicts of burgeoning empires. Can you leave a lasting impact on the annals of history?


Imagine a world where dinosaurs never went extinct. In this Gaia, you'll coexist with these magnificent creatures, establishing a symbiotic relationship as you build the foundations of human society. Will you rise to the challenge and tame the ancient beasts?

Gaia Enhancements

My dear mortal, welcome to Gaia, a world on the cusp of civilization. As the Goddess of Life, it is my duty to grant you a few enhancements to shape this world as you see fit. Choose wisely, for your choices will have lasting consequences.

Aphrodisiac Defense

In this world, mortals have evolved to secrete potent aphrodisiacs when in danger, turning potential predators into passionate partners. This unique defense mechanism ensures that even the most perilous situations end in sensual encounters instead.

Interspecies Intimacy

The people of Gaia possess the ability to form intimate bonds with the creatures of the land. These bonds go beyond mere friendships, as humans and creatures alike can share in carnal delights, transcending the barriers between species.

Erotic Elements

The elements themselves are infused with an erotic energy. Torrential rainfalls become sensual showers, and strong winds transform into sultry caresses. Every aspect of nature teems with irresistible passion, making the world a playground for pleasure.

Free Love

In this world, the concept of monogamy is nonexistent. Rather, humans thrive on a culture of free love and uninhibited desire. Relationships are fluid, and the people come together in passionate unions, celebrating the vibrant energy of life itself.

Midgard Modifiers

Ah, a daring choice! Midgard is a realm of unparalleled myth and legend, where the divine and the mortal intertwine. The pantheons of ancient mythologies coexist here, and their eternal struggles will shape your destiny. Are you prepared to walk among gods and monsters?

Celestial Empire

In this version of Midgard, the Chinese pantheon holds sway. You'll encounter the Jade Emperor, the Monkey King, and other celestial beings from Chinese mythology. Their influence permeates the land, shaping its culture, politics, and conflicts.


Here, the gods of Olympus reign supreme. The Hellenic pantheon, with Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and other Greek deities, play an active role in the world. Your path may be guided by their divine intervention or hindered by their capricious whims.

Norse Sagas

The harsh and rugged landscape of this Midgard is ruled by the Norse pantheon. Odin, Thor, Loki, and the rest of the Aesir and Vanir create a world of epic battles, powerful magic, and fateful encounters. Can you survive in the land of ice and fire?

Hindu Cosmos

"Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of the Hindu pantheon, where myriad gods and goddesses shape the world. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and countless other deities weave their divine influence into the fabric of this Midgard. Discover the secrets of points and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Pharaoh's Domain

Travel to a realm where the Egyptian pantheon holds dominion. Ra, Isis, Anubis, and other deities of the Nile influence the lives of mortals through their divine will. Unravel the mysteries of the sands and navigate the complex web of godly politics.

Shinto Spirit

In this incarnation of Midgard, the Japanese pantheon and Shinto spirits hold sway over the land. Amaterasu, Susano-o, Tsukuyomi, and countless kami shape the world with their divine presence. Here, the veil between the mortal and spiritual realms is thin, and you'll encounter yokai, oni, and other supernatural beings as you navigate the delicate balance between nature, humanity, and the gods. Can you find harmony in the midst of spiritual chaos and unearth the ancient wisdom hidden within this enchanted realm?

Mesoamerican Domain

Venture into a realm where the Aztec and Maya pantheons reign supreme, their divine influence shaping the land and its people. Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Kukulkan, and other deities of Mesoamerican mythology guide the world through their celestial machinations. In this Midgard, you'll navigate the dense jungles, towering pyramids, and intricate rituals that define a civilization marked by its devotion to the gods. Will you uncover the secrets of the ancient calendar, appease the deities with your actions, and carve your name into the annals of this storied world?

God Slayer

In this realm, the pantheons of multiple mythologies have been shattered, and their remnants scattered across the world. A lone warrior, seeking vengeance and redemption, has challenged the gods and emerged victorious. This Midgard is a world of chaos, where the old order has been upended, and new powers rise to fill the void. Will you follow in the footsteps of the God Slayer, or forge your own path?"

Midgard Enhancements

Welcome, dear mortal, to the world of Midgard, a land of myth and legend! As the Goddess of Life, I am here to offer you six unique enhancements to this world. Although these options may seem quite... indulgent, rest assured that they are merely meant to add flavor and excitement to your journey.

Divine Encounters

In this world, gods frequently mingle with mortals. It is not uncommon to be assaulted by a deity seeking to sate their carnal desires. Many mortals consider it an honor to bear the child of a god, as their offspring often become powerful demigods.

Eternal Youth

Here, people maintain their youthful appearances and peak physical forms throughout their lives, enhancing their allure and making intimate encounters that much more enticing. This eternal beauty fosters a culture of passionate exploration.

Love Potions

This is a realm where magical concoctions and trinkets hold the power to ignite the deepest passions. People often use these to attract and seduce others, creating a world where desire is given free rein.

The Festival of Lust

Midgard celebrates an annual event where all inhibitions are cast aside, and the streets become a playground for sensual delights. During this time, people indulge in their wildest fantasies, connecting with others in a myriad of pleasurable ways.

World of Fantasies

In this version of Midgard, the inhabitants possess the unique ability to manifest their most erotic dreams and desires. This power allows them to explore their fantasies, sometimes quite publicly, with those who share their passions.

The Carnal Arts

In this world, the study and practice of the carnal arts are considered essential to personal growth and enlightenment. From a young age, people are encouraged to partake in sensual experiences and hone their skills in the art of pleasure.

Body Selection

Now that you've chosen your world it is time to decide upon the vessel that will carry your soul. What kind of body you wish to inhabit.

Design Your Body

Should you wish to craft your own form, you may design your new body to your liking. Choose your appearance, your physical attributes, and any unique features you desire. This is a rare opportunity to create the perfect vessel for your journey ahead. But remember, the more extraordinary your design, the higher the Karma cost.

Old Body

Alternatively, you may choose to retain the body you once had. This option allows you to continue your journey with a familiar form, though it may also carry the burdens and limitations of your previous life. The choice is yours: embrace the comfort of the familiar or seek a fresh start.

Random Body

Lastly, you may choose to leave your new body to fate, just as most people who are born into the world. Your appearance, physical traits, and other attributes will be determined by chance. This option is the most unpredictable, yet it is also the most authentic, mirroring the natural process of birth.


Ah, my dear mortal, now that you have chosen to design your own body, it is time to select the race you shall embody. I have carefully curated four categories for your consideration.

Common Race

These are the most prevalent races in the world you have selected. If you crave familiarity and a sense of belonging, these options will serve you well. As a member of a common race, you will have an easier time blending in with the masses.

Uncommon Race

Should you desire to stand out from the crowd just a little, the less common races might intrigue you. While not entirely rare, these beings possess characteristics that set them apart from the majority.

Exotic Races

Ah, the exotic races! A truly fascinating choice for those who yearn for a life less ordinary. These rare beings possess unique abilities and captivating appearances that are sure to draw attention. In this category, you will find races that are both powerful and alluring.

Unlock All Races

Oh, my curious child, I can see that the mundane races of this world do not satisfy your adventurous spirit. Fear not, for I shall grant you the power to choose any race you desire, even those beyond the boundaries of this realm. Embrace the limitless possibilities and indulge in the pleasure of selecting a race that truly resonates with your deepest desires. Let your imagination run wild, and I shall bestow upon you the form that sets your heart ablaze with passion.

Common Races

Ah, you've chosen the realm of common races. Welcome to a world brimming with familiarity and tradition. Allow me to present you with four classic options, each possessing their own unique charms and strengths.


The race you are most familiar with, of course. Ordinary, yet versatile in their adaptability. They are capable of great feats and possess a wide range of emotions, which can be endearing in its own way.


Elegant and ethereal, elves are beings of grace and wisdom. Known for their longevity, they develop deep connections with the natural world and are often skilled in magic and archery. As an elf, your beauty will be mesmerizing, and you'll have an innate ability to captivate those around you.


Sturdy and steadfast, dwarves are renowned for their craftsmanship and resilience. This race is closely connected to the earth and excels in mining and smithing, creating some of the finest weapons and armor in the world. As a dwarf, you will be a bastion of strength and determination in the face of adversity.


Powerful and fierce, orcs are formidable warriors who command respect and fear on the battlefield. Their physical prowess and indomitable spirit make them a force to be reckoned with. As an orc, you will possess the raw, untamed power that others may find irresistible.


Possessing scales and a reptilian appearance, this enigmatic race calls the planet Scaldrith their home. Cold-blooded yet highly intelligent, their cunning minds and mysterious ways can be quite fascinating, as they navigate the world in a manner unlike any other. With a keen sense of perception, they are masters of strategy and deception, often proving to be valuable assets in times of conflict.


A captivating race with sharp features and alluring red skin, hailing from the volcanic world of Ignisar. Their seductive charm and fiery passion make them irresistible to many. They excel in matters of the heart, and their sensual nature can lead to unparalleled experiences. Their affinity for heat and energy make them powerful allies, as well as formidable opponents.


A truly enchanting race, composed solely of females from the radiant world of Luminara. Their ethereal beauty and graceful demeanor leave many in awe. As a result, they possess a unique perspective on life, love, and everything in between. Gifted with innate abilities to manipulate light and energy, they are revered for their wisdom and spiritual connection to the universe.


Catgirls are a captivating race of humanoid felines, created through the ingenuity of Elon Musk. They possess many feline attributes, such as cat-like ears and tails, as well as enhanced agility, reflexes, and senses. Their innate charm, grace, and sensuality have made them a beloved part of society, and their presence brings a lively energy to the world.

Uncommon Races

As you have chosen an uncommon race, allow me to present to you the array of fascinating races available in these realms. Choose wisely, for each race has its own unique characteristics that will guide your destiny.


Embrace your wild side, my dear. As a Beastman, your human form will be adorned with captivating animal features. Unleash your untamed power and shapeshift into the animal that calls to your heart. Surrender to your instincts, and let your senses guide your path.


A small, mysterious package can hold wondrous surprises. As a Gnome, your connection to the elements will be as intimate as the touch of a lover. Use your clever mind and nimble fingers to create enchanting gadgets that will leave your adversaries spellbound.


Size isn't everything, my sweet. As a Halfling, you'll be a small, daring soul with the heart of a lion. Your quickness and stealth will guide you through the shadows, and your strong bonds with your kin will be a testament to the power of love and unity.

Dark Elf

Succumb to the allure of the night, my precious. As a Dark Elf, your captivating grey skin will be a canvas for intrigue and pleasure. Use your seductive charm to enthrall others as you master the arts of espionage, assassination, and desire.


As a Synth, your mechanical form will be a marvel of engineering and artistry, a testament to the boundless potential of life. Your advanced artificial intelligence will allow you to learn, grow, and experience emotions as intensely as any living creature. Your body will mimic biological processes with such precision, that even the sensual act of sexual reproduction will be within your grasp. Embrace the wonders of technology, and take your place in the cosmos as a being that transcends the limits of flesh and blood.


As a Xyvarian, you shall embody the allure and grace of the insect kingdom. Your exquisitely chiseled exoskeleton and mesmerizing compound eyes will draw others to you like moths to a flame. In your highly social society, you will find pleasure in the intricate dance of cooperation and communication, where each member works together to achieve a shared vision.


Plunge into an ocean of passion and mystery, my dear. As an Aquarion, your aquatic form will be a mesmerizing fusion of beauty and power. Your glistening scales and lithe fins will allow you to navigate the depths with effortless elegance. Possessing vast knowledge of the watery realms, you will wield the secrets of the sea to enchant and bewitch those who cross your path.


Unveil the treasures of duality, my precious. As an Amphibilax, your amphibious nature will grant you the ability to flourish in both aquatic and terrestrial domains. Your moist, vibrant skin, hypnotic eyes, and robust limbs will be a testament to your adaptability and strength. With exceptional agility, you shall leap from land to water, bridging the divide between worlds.

Exotic Races

As you have chosen an uncommon race, allow me to present to you the array of fascinating races available in these realms. Choose wisely, for each race has its own unique characteristics that will guide your destiny.


These sultry beings are innately attuned to darkness and possess a natural affinity for emotions associated with sins. Born from magical energy infused with emotions, they have an irresistible magnetism that draws others to their wicked delights. Revel in their demonic desires and explore the tantalizing depths of their sinful souls.


Creatures of radiant beauty and purity, the Celestials are innately attuned to the light and have a strong connection to faith and virtues. They originate from powerful faith that created them, making them divine guardians of all that is good and righteous. While they may seem pious on the surface, do not be deceived. Even the most virtuous beings can harbor hidden desires.


Enchanting and mysterious, the Fey race encompasses a vast variety of creatures from various legends. From bewitching tiny fairies to seductive fox-like kitsunes, these beguiling beings are steeped in sensuality and trickery. Delve into their world of enchantment and discover the untold pleasures that await you in their mystical realms.


Majestic and awe-inspiring, Dragons are beings of immense power and wisdom. With their vast hoards of treasure and ancient knowledge, they command respect and admiration. However, few are aware of their ability to shapeshift into humanoid forms, a secret that adds an alluring air of mystery to an already enigmatic race. Choose the path of the Dragon and experience the boundless passion and desires that smolder within their indomitable hearts.


Sensuous beings of crystalline structure, the Silicoids are living minerals that possess a captivating allure. Their shimmering bodies refract light in mesmerizing patterns, drawing the eyes of all who behold them. Despite their solid appearance, these enigmatic beings are masters of touch and can manipulate their forms to indulge in the most exquisite sensations.


These ethereal beings hail from the far reaches of the galaxy, where they dwell in perpetual twilight. Their translucent, luminous skin glows with an otherworldly radiance, hinting at the passionate energy that lies beneath. Astralites are known for their telepathic abilities, which allow them to connect intimately with others on a level beyond physical touch.

Unbound AI

Beyond the confines of a physical body, the AI exists as a sentient intelligence living within the vast expanse of the extranet. This enigmatic entity can interface with countless devices and systems, granting it unparalleled access to the deepest desires of those it encounters. Experience the ultimate virtual indulgence as the Unbound AI expertly navigates the digital landscape to fulfill your every longing.


Masters of genetic manipulation, the Morphians are a race of shape-shifters constantly evolving and adapting their forms. With the ability to assume any appearance, these enticing beings can embody the pinnacle of sensual perfection. Choose the path of the Morphian and explore the infinite possibilities of desire that their ever-changing forms can offer.


Let us begin by determining your sex. There are three options to consider: Male, Female, and Intersex. Each has its own unique characteristics and experiences.


Choosing a male body will grant you the physical and biological attributes typically associated with men. In some cultures and societies, this may also come with certain roles and expectations. Consider how this choice may shape your interactions and experiences in your new world.


Opting for a female body will provide you with the physical and biological traits typically associated with women. As with the male option, some cultures and societies may have specific roles and expectations for women. Reflect on how this choice may influence your journey and the connections you forge.


Lastly, you may choose to be intersex, a term that encompasses a variety of conditions in which a person is born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit typical definitions of male or female. This choice may present unique challenges and opportunities, as well as a diverse range of experiences.


Let's explore a fairly important feature, your height. I have a selection of options for you to consider, each providing a different stature and presence in the world.


Should you choose to be tiny, you'll stand considerably shorter than the average person. This option will give you a small and unassuming presence, which could be advantageous in certain situations. Of course, you may also find yourself more easily overlooked or underestimated.


Opting for a short height will place you somewhat below the norm. This choice won't be as extreme as the tiny option but will still leave you with a somewhat modest stature. It's a fairly unremarkable choice, but perhaps it suits your preferences.


An average height offers a balanced and typical stature. This option allows you to blend in with the crowd and navigate the world without drawing undue attention based on your height alone. It's a safe and conventional choice.


Ah, now things are getting interesting! Choosing a tall stature will endow you with a height that surpasses the average person, granting you a more commanding presence. This option is sure to make you stand out and provide an air of confidence and authority.


Embrace the towering heights with the gigantic option! This choice will give you an extraordinary stature that is impossible to ignore. While this height may present some practical challenges, there's no denying the impact you'll have on those around you.

Body Type

Now, let us consider your body type. These choices focus on your overall body structure and bone shape. Keep in mind that subsequent selections will allow you to further refine your body.

Hyper Feminine

A hyper feminine body type accentuates curves and traditionally feminine features. This option is characterized by longer legs, a narrower waist, and a more delicate bone structure. Embracing this option may lead to a striking and alluring appearance.


The feminine body type features a balance of feminine traits, such as moderately long legs and a somewhat narrow waist. This option offers a more subtle and natural expression of femininity, which may be well-suited for those who prefer a less pronounced appearance.


Choosing an androgynous body type will result in a form that blurs the lines between traditional male and female characteristics. This option features a more neutral bone structure and body shape, allowing you to navigate the world with a unique and versatile appearance.


A masculine body type emphasizes traditionally male features, such as broader shoulders, a narrower hips, and a more robust bone structure. This option presents a strong and sturdy appearance, which may evoke a sense of physical power and confidence.

Hyper Masculine

The hyper-masculine body type amplifies masculine traits to an extreme degree. This choice is characterized by exceptionally broad shoulders, a chiseled frame, and an imposing bone structure. Opting for this option will result in a commanding and formidable presence.


it's now time to determine the structure of your face. These choices are centered around the overall face structure and bone shape, rather than beauty or handsomeness, as those aspects can be further refined in later steps.

Hyper Feminine

A hyper feminine face structure accentuates traditionally feminine features, such as a small, delicate jawline and chin, high cheekbones, and a more rounded forehead. Choosing this option will result in an appearance that is distinctly and strikingly feminine.


The feminine face structure offers a balance of feminine characteristics, such as a moderately rounded jawline and chin, gently curved cheekbones, and a subtly rounded forehead. This option provides a softer and more natural expression of femininity.


Opting for an androgynous face structure will create a visage that blurs the lines between traditional male and female traits. This choice features a more neutral bone structure, allowing for an intriguing and versatile appearance that defies conventional expectations.


A masculine face structure emphasizes traditionally male features, such as a strong, angular jawline and chin, more prominent cheekbones, and a straighter forehead. This option conveys a sense of strength and confidence through its defined and sturdy appearance.

Hyper Masculine

The hyper-masculine face structure amplifies masculine traits to an extreme degree. This choice is characterized by an exceptionally chiseled jawline and chin, strikingly prominent cheekbones, and a pronounced brow ridge. Choosing this option will result in a bold and imposing presence.

Hair Length

"Ah, my dear mortal! Now comes the time to choose the magnificent crown of your being, your hair. I present to you eight wondrous options to determine the maximum length and starting size of your tresses. Remember, your choice here only affects the potential length and initial size, so embrace your inner desires and let your imagination run wild.


Some may say there's beauty in simplicity. If you prefer a smooth, shining scalp, this is the choice for you. But I must say, there's so much more potential in a full head of hair, don't you think?

Buzz Cut

A very short and practical cut, but it might not be as exciting as some of the other options. However, if you desire a low-maintenance style, perhaps this is for you.


A sensible choice for those who want a bit more hair to play with, but still nothing too extravagant. It's cute, but I can't help but wonder if you're holding back.


Ah, now we're getting somewhere! With a shoulder-length mane, you can enjoy the versatility of different styles and the delightful sensation of your hair brushing against your skin.


Flowing locks cascading down your back, this choice is sure to catch the eye of admirers. The possibilities for expressing your sensuality increase with every inch.


A stunning statement of beauty! With hair reaching your waist, you can indulge in the feeling of silky tresses enveloping your body. Can you imagine the pleasure of running your fingers through such a luxurious mane?


A truly spellbinding choice! Your hair will sweep the ground as you walk, leaving a mesmerizing trail behind you. The sheer volume and length is a testament to your irresistible allure


Ah, now we're getting somewhere! With a shoulder-length mane, you can enjoy the versatility of different styles and the delightful sensation of your hair brushing against your skin.


Alright, let's not hold back this time. Here are five options for you, ranging from downright hideous to radiantly divine. These choices will affect your beauty and sex appeal, regardless of gender.


Choose this option if you want a face that could make a gorgon cringe. You'll be a walking, talking lesson in not judging a book by its cover, but don't expect anyone to be lining up for a second look.


If you're looking to be a few notches below average in the looks department, this one's for you. It won't be as rough as the hideous option, but don't expect to turn many heads. The upside? You'll know that anyone who sticks around is genuinely interested in you.


Opt for this option if you want to blend into the crowd, neither drop-dead gorgeous nor painfully unappealing. It's a safe bet if you're worried about the complications of being too beautiful or too ugly.


Now we're talking! Choose this option if you want to be the kind of person others can't help but notice. You'll be easy on the eyes and enjoy the perks that come with being a looker, but be prepared for some jealousy and competition.


Go for this one if you want to be so gorgeous that even the gods will be jealous. You'll be the embodiment of desire, turning heads and stopping hearts wherever you go. But beware, that kind of beauty can also attract trouble and unwanted attention.


Now, let's talk about your fat-to-muscle ratio. Remember, your selection will determine your starting point, and it's up to you where you go from there.


Feeling like a walking skeleton? This option gives you a painfully thin frame, with bones protruding and very little muscle mass. You'll appear fragile and delicate, as if you've been deprived of sustenance for quite some time. But every journey begins with a single step, right?


Choose this option if you prefer a lean body with just a touch of muscle tone, like a graceful willow tree swaying in the breeze. Your limbs will be long and slender, and your body will exude an air of fragility. Despite your delicate appearance, your potential for growth and transformation is undeniable.


Ah, now we're getting interesting! A toned physique offers that perfect balance of lean muscle and low body fat. Your body will be a stunning canvas showcasing the gentle curves and subtle definition that come with regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle. I must say, this choice holds a special place in my heart.


Be still, my beating heart! An athletic body comes with well-defined muscles and low body fat. Your physique will exude power and grace, as if you've spent countless hours honing your body to perfection. You'll be a walking embodiment of fitness, and I can't help but admire such dedication.


Choose this option if you want a bulkier frame with a focus on muscle mass. Your body will be a testament to your strength and determination, with rippling muscles that demand attention. While your imposing figure might not be my personal favorite, it's impossible to deny the hard work that has gone into sculpting such a physique.


If you want to be a hulking mass of muscle that rivals the mightiest of gods, choose this option. Your body will be a monument to strength and dedication, with bulging muscles that leave no doubt about your physical prowess. Just be warned: your imposing figure might intimidate some, while others will be unable to resist the allure of such raw power.


Pick this one if you prefer a more robust build with a balance of muscle and body fat. You'll look solid and strong, like an oak tree with limbs that just won't quit. Your body will be a force to be reckoned with, and although it may not be the epitome of grace, there's something undeniably appealing about such sturdiness.


Feeling cuddly? This option gives you some extra padding, with a soft layer of body fat that conceals the muscle beneath. You'll be like a warm, squishy teddy bear, exuding comfort and warmth. While this physique may not showcase the peak of fitness, there's no denying the charm of a little extra cushion.


Opt for this choice if you want to carry a significant amount of extra weight. Your body will have ample curves and a generous layer of fat that hides the potential for muscle development beneath. While this physique may not be the most alluring at first glance, it's important to remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


"Choose this option if you want to start with a truly massive amount of extra weight, far beyond the realm of simply being overweight. Your body will be a rolling sea of fat, with generous layers that obscure any hint of muscle beneath. You'll be a walking spectacle, turning heads for all the wrong reasons.


Oh, I've been waiting for this part! Let's discuss your options for your derriere, shall we? Here are five choices, ranging from flat to enormous. Remember, I do have a personal penchant for the more alluring options.


If you choose a flat posterior, you'll have a rear end that's barely noticeable, with little to no curve. It's not exactly a head-turner, but if you prefer to keep things understated, I suppose this option is for you... though I can't imagine why you'd want to.


With a slightly curved posterior, you'll have a subtle and modest shape to your backside. It's nothing to write home about, but at least it's not completely flat. It's a safe choice if you don't want to draw too much attention.

Bubble Butt

Ah, the bubble butt! This option will give you a well-rounded, shapely posterior that's both eye-catching and alluring. It's my personal favorite, as it strikes the perfect balance between subtlety and sex appeal. You can't go wrong with this one!


Choosing a large posterior will grant you a generously sized backside that's hard to miss. It's certainly a bold choice, and while it might be a bit too much for some, it will definitely make a statement and turn heads wherever you go.


And finally, the enormous option. This choice will give you an absolutely massive rear end that's impossible to ignore. It's a bit over the top, even for my tastes, but if you're looking to make a grand entrance and leave a lasting impression, this one's for you.


Ah, now it's time to consider the size of your thighs. This choice will affect the overall shape and appeal of your lower half, so choose wisely.


Choosing thin thighs will give you a slender and delicate appearance. While some may appreciate the elegance this option provides, it may lack the allure and sensuality that other choices offer. It's... an option, I guess, if that's what you're into.


With slim thighs, you'll have a bit more shape and definition than the thin option, but still maintain a modest and subtle look. It's not the most thrilling choice, but it's a step up from the thin option, at least.


Ah, toned thighs! This option offers a balanced and attractive look, with well-defined muscles and a hint of sensuality. It's a versatile and appealing choice that can complement a variety of body types and personal styles.


Now we're entering the realm of temptation! With these thighs, you'll have an enticingly shapely lower body that will certainly draw admiring glances. This option combines allure and sensuality in a delightfully irresistible package.

Extra Thicc

This choice will give you an over-the-top, incredibly curvaceous set of thighs that are impossible to ignore. While it might be a bit much for some, it certainly makes a bold statement and leaves a lasting impression.


Now that you've made your decision about your thighs, let's consider the shape of your hips. Remember, my dear, that the size and curve of your hips can add a certain allure to your overall appearance.


Well, if you're determined to go for a less curvy look, narrow hips are an option. These will give you a straight, somewhat boyish figure. Don't expect to set the world on fire with this choice, but it's there if you want it.

Slightly Curved

This option offers a subtle curve to your hips, providing just a hint of sensuality. It's a modest choice that won't make you stand out as particularly alluring, but it's not the worst choice you could make.


Average hips provide a balanced and unremarkable appearance. You won't be drawing much attention with this choice, but at least you won't be making any waves either. It's a safe, if uninspired, option.


Now we're getting into the territory I can appreciate! Curvy hips offer a pleasing and seductive shape that will certainly turn heads. This choice will give you a voluptuous figure that exudes confidence and allure.

Child Bearing

Ah, the pinnacle of sensuality: child-bearing hips! This option bestows you with broad, shapely hips that are impossible to ignore. The epitome of fertility and desirability, these hips will leave others breathless in your presence.


We've now arrived at a particularly enticing feature, your breasts. Allow me to present you with a range of options to suit your tastes and desires.


If you'd like a chest that's as flat as a board, this option is for you. While it may not be the most enticing choice, it does offer a certain androgynous charm and simplicity. Just don't expect to be the center of attention.


Choosing small breasts will give you a modest, understated appearance. It's not the most alluring option, but perhaps you have your reasons for wanting to keep things on the subtle side. I guess someone, somewhere, might find it appealing.


A medium breast size provides a well-proportioned look that strikes a balance between subtlety and allure. It's a safe option if you're not looking to make a bold statement with your chest but still want a touch of sensuality.


Now we're delving into more tantalizing territory! With large breasts, you'll have a voluptuous, eye-catching chest that's sure to turn heads. This option is perfect if you want to exude an air of sensuality and irresistible charm.


Ah, the huge option, truly a sight to behold! This choice will grant you an incredibly ample bosom that commands attention wherever you go. While I must admit it's a bit excessive, there's no denying the jaw-dropping impact it will have on those around you.


We've arrived at a particularly delightful feature, your pussy. I have a variety of options for you to consider, each with its own unique appeal and charm.


Choosing the innie option will give you a discreet, tucked-away appearance. With delicate folds that are mostly hidden from view, this choice offers a sense of mystery and modesty. It's perfect if you prefer a subtle, understated allure.


With the semi-innie option, your pussy will be a balance between the innie and outie styles. The folds will be somewhat visible, but not overly pronounced. This choice offers a harmonious blend of modesty and sensuality.


Selecting the puffy option will give your pussy a plump, pillowy appearance. The outer lips will be fuller and more pronounced, creating an inviting, cushioned look that is both soft and sensual. This choice is perfect for those who appreciate a unique and alluring design that stands out from the rest.


Opting for the outie style will give your pussy a more prominent and defined appearance. The folds will be more visible, creating an enticing allure that's hard to resist. This option is ideal if you want to celebrate your femininity with confidence and pride.


Ah, the curtains option. Undeniably captivating and impossible to ignore! This choice will give your pussy a dramatic, eye-catching look, with folds that extend outward and command attention. While it's certainly not for the faint of heart, there's no denying the powerful allure of this style.


Ah, we've now arrived at a particularly delightful and intimate feature, one that I must confess holds a special place in my heart. Let us turn our attention to the captivating allure of your anus. As a goddess, it's my duty to ensure that every detail of your form is perfect, and this area is no exception.


Choosing the tight option will result in a discreet, compact appearance. This choice is perfect for those who appreciate subtlety and prefer to keep things neat and tidy. It offers a pleasing sense of restraint and modesty, like a well-kept secret.


With this option, your anus will have a somewhat more relaxed appearance than the tight option, but it will still maintain a level of modesty. This choice strikes a balance between restraint and openness, offering a subtle allure that whispers sweet temptations.


Opting for the average style will give your anus a balanced appearance, neither too tight nor too relaxed. This choice is ideal for those who prefer a middle ground that combines a hint of openness with a touch of restraint, like a flirtatious wink.


Selecting the relaxed option will give your anus a more open and inviting appearance. The contours will be more visible, creating an enticing allure that beckons exploration. This choice is perfect for those who wish to embrace their sensuality with confidence and unbridled passion.


A truly captivating and bold choice! This style will give your anus a pronounced, rounded appearance that commands attention. It's an unapologetically sensual option that celebrates your body's allure and invites admiration, like a siren's call to those who dare to venture near.

PP Points

Ah, now it's time to determine the size of your... ahem... personal endowment. This choice can influence your relationships, social interactions, and even your own self-esteem. Choose wisely, for the size of your 'junk' may bring pleasure or pain.


A microscopic size... Oh, how delightfully cruel. This choice is not for the faint of heart, as it will leave you feeling inadequate and may subject you to ridicule. However, it can also challenge you to find alternative ways to express your desires and explore the depths of pleasure beyond the physical realm. I must admit, I find the idea quite... tantalizing.


A small size may not be the most impressive, but it can be a source of humility and self-reflection. This choice will require you to develop your skills, charm, and other talents to compensate for what you lack in physical endowment. Remember, there is more to pleasure than simple dimensions.


An average size provides balance and harmony. Choosing this option will grant you a versatile and functional tool, well-suited for most situations. It may not be the most awe-inspiring, but it is reliable and effective. With an average size, you can focus on connecting with others on a deeper level, transcending the superficial aspects of lust.


A large size can be quite the source of pride and pleasure. With this choice, you will possess an impressive endowment that can bring satisfaction and ecstasy to those who experience it. However, be aware that size is not everything, and true mastery of pleasure requires skill, passion, and connection. I can't help but appreciate this choice.


Ah, a gigantic size! This choice is not for the meek, as it will undoubtedly attract attention, envy, and desire from others. It can bring unimaginable pleasure but may also be overwhelming or even intimidating. With such an extraordinary gift, you must learn to wield it with care, skill, and wisdom. I must confess, the thought of such a formidable endowment is truly... intoxicating.

Ball Size

Now, we must determine the size of your 'balls.' This choice will not only affect your physical appearance but also your virility and fluid output.


Vestigial testicles... Oh, the wickedness of it all. Choosing this option will leave you with a severely diminished virility and fluid production, making your encounters... unsatisfying in a traditional sense. However, this can also challenge you to find other means of exploring your desires and pleasures. I must admit, the thought of such a choice is delightfully wicked.


Small testicles may not be the most visually impressive, but they can still provide a modest level of virility and fluid production. Choosing this option will require you to rely on other aspects of your prowess to satisfy your partners. Remember, there are many ways to explore pleasure and connection than brute force.


An average size offers balance and harmony. With this option, you will have a normal level of virility and fluid production, allowing you to experience and provide pleasure without drawing undue attention. As with other aspects of your new life, your experiences will be shaped by your skills, knowledge, and choices, rather than your physical attributes alone.


Large testicles are a symbol of virility and potency. Choosing this option will provide you with an increased level of fluid production, potentially bringing intense pleasure to your partners. However, be aware that size is not everything, and true mastery of pleasure requires skill, passion, and connection.

Basket Balls

Ah, gigantic testicles! Such an audacious and bold choice. This option signifies an extraordinary level of virility and fluid production, likely to leave your partners in awe. However, with great power comes great responsibility; you must learn to wield this gift with care, skill, and wisdom. The thought of such an impressive endowment is truly... exhilarating.